Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Some Anecdotes of Life at Nyakasura - Part 1

From 1936 - 1941 I had been an Assistant Master at the Alliance High School, Kenya and most of my time there was under that great Head Master Carey Frances. He made the Alliance one of the leading secondary schools not only in Africa but also in the whole of what was then called the British Colonial Empire. I was fortunate. His combination of godliness and good learning with the need to do your best at everything, whether digging your garden, playing football, striving for a new one-mile record or studying for a place at Makerere was what I hoped would under gird my time at Nyakasura.

On arrival I was met by Douglas Tomblings, a splendid man who thoroughly approved of all Commander Calwell of the Church Missionary Society had set out to do. The school was now in the hands of the Uganda Protectorate Government. The C.M.S. had felt unable to carry on after the death of the Commander. Their resources were too stretched. The Uganda Government Education Department, or some members of it, however, found it difficult to accept their new responsibility. About two years after my arrival, I sent the usual monthly bill for payment to Kampala only to receive it back with "no payment as this is not a Government School" written over it!

As remembered and written by Mr E.C. Cooper, M.A., Headmaster - stay tuned for more Anecdotes of Life at Nyakasura from 1948 - 1954.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fond Memories: Behold the Mysteries of Light

"Many new students came from rural areas and their first day at School was a culture shock. Running water and electricity. One evening a new boy was asked to put out lights after prayers. Thinking a bulb was a paraffin candle, he stood on his bed and tried to blow it out with his breath. As we say, that is history."

- Professor Rugumayo

Fond Memories: A New Series

All Nyakasura Old Boys and Old Girls,

We would like to take this time to reminisce about the good old days at Nyakasura School. Please send your fondest memories, the funniest events, or your proudest moments while you attended Nyakasura School to As the memories come pouring in, we can become nostalgic together and recall the wonderful times we shared at Nyakasura School.

Monday, March 29, 2010

To Minister and Not Be Ministered Unto

What is the meaning of Minister? Why would Commander Callwell chose this motto, above all others to represent Nyakasura School? How does this motto guide the students at Nyakasura School and prepare them for their futures?

Well, lets think about what this motto really means: To Minister and Not Be Ministered Unto.

There are several definitions for the word minister, but in this context, I believe it means to aid or give service, to care; to attend, as to wants or necessities; or to contribute the happiness or comfort to others.

The first part of the school motto is clearly stating that students of Nyakasura School both current and old should minister to the needs of others. To provide service and guidance to those who are less fortunate and to contribute to the betterment of the lives of those around you.

The second part of this motto is a plan to strive for our own personal success. Be self sufficient, be strong, be a leader... this was the vision of the Commander and the light that has guided so many students of Nyakasura School to remarkably successful careers and happiness in life.

A man as compassionate and successful as the Commander would clearly want to foster the same compassion and the same success upon the students whom he devoted his life to.

May we all remember the true meaning of our school motto long after we leave the hallowed halls of Nyakasura School. May we all be prosperous in our lives and give back to those in needs.

Friday, March 26, 2010

It Is Time for a Renunion

Dear Old Boys and Old Girls,

The time for a Nyakasura School Alumni Association Reunion is here. The last time the Alumni of Nyakasura School came together was nearly 8 years ago for the school's 75th anniversary.

My friends, 8 years is too long. We are a group of individuals who are very proud to have come through the educational programs at Nyakasura School. It is time that we officially form the Alumni Association to be sure that a period of 8 years of separation never happens again.

It is time for a reunion. Stay tuned for more information regarding the upcoming Nyakasura School Alumni Association Reunion.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Does this Sound Familiar?

“Years of struggle lie behind us.

Ceaseless labour, little gain;

Ever let those years remind us

Sunshine follows after rain"

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Dear All Nyakasura Alumni,

We are currently creating an Alumni Association for all former students of Nyakasura School. This is a wonderful opportunity to reunite with the classmates who you were so close with many years ago and find out what they are doing now.

Currently, the best way to register for the Alumni Association is through email. Send us your name, contact information, the year you graduated, and a brief summary of what you are doing now. This information will be private to the Alumni Association and allow us to contact you when there are events and reunions.

So, if you are an Alumni of Nyakasura School in Fort Portal, please register your information at on the website at or by texting 8800 type nyak in the message followed by your information.

We look forward to getting in touch!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Hello and welcome to the Nyakasura School Alumni Blog. Nyakasura school is a secondary school located in Fort Portal, a town in Western Uganda. The school was founded in 1926 by Commander Callwell. For nearly half a century it grew to be one of Uganda's most prestigious schools, with former pupils in prominent positions today.

During Uganda's troubles in the Amin and Obote years, the school suffered from a period of economic short falls, neglect and unrest which negatively affected academic performance. An earthquake in the early 1990s and terrorist activity on the Congo border were further setbacks to the school.

Today a group of concerned Alumni and citizens would like to return Nyakasura School to its former glory. Stay tuned to learn more about Nyakasura School!!!