Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Some Anecdotes of Life at Nyakasura - part 4

We were fortunate in our staff at the time having men like Mr. Musgrove, Stan Acton, Alan Baxendale, Frank Garvey Williams, Tony Irvine, Mr. Baguma, Mr. Bujenja, Mr. Kabuzi, Mr. Mugerwa, Mr. Ruhweza, Mr. Nkojo and many others. There was also Professor Lucas, loaned from Makerere College and Mr. Murray Hicks. Murray had just retired from Winchester College, in the U.K. and came out to help us. He was a remarkable man and added much to the joys of life. Amongst hi teaching assignments he took boys to swim in the crater lake. In his view, costumes were unnecessary.

On one occasion the District Commissioner for Toro at Fort Portal was taken to see "the boys swimming." He stood at the brim of the crater looking down on a sea of naked bodies in the lake being watched over by an elderly European and muttered, "By jove, you do see life out here."

Later Murray started to build a swimming pool near the school, the origin of today's (2007) pool. Earth was moved by filling buckets and pulling them up out of the hold beginning to take shape as a pool. Unfortunately one careless boy, on returning the empty bucket to the boys digging let it fall on Murray's head and he was knocked out, but, mercifully, only for a time.
As remembered and written by Mr. E.C. Cooper, M.A., Headmaster, Between 1948 - 1954. Stay tuned for more Anecdotes of Life at Nyakasura!!

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