Thursday, April 1, 2010

Some Anecdotes of Life at Nyakasura - part 2

Nyakasura, like most institutions at that time suffered from the effects fo the Second World War, notably, a lack of equipment, books and staff. The most important tool on my arrival was an Allen Motor Scythe to cut down the elephant grass and thus let everyone see the buildings. The next thing was to find exercise and text books and some office equipment. I was told I would have to order all these through the Crown Agents in the U.K. on "the proper forms". At that time the shipments from the U.K. were few and far between. I took my needs to the Education Department and they kindly issued me a letter giving me authority to buy locally. This was a great privilege and was rarely granted. Armed with this I raided the Indian dukas and returned with enough materials to enable us to start a new term. That letter worked magic for the next two or three years until the Director of Education put a stop to my little (big?) game.

As remembered and written by Mr. E.C. Cooper, M.A., Headmaster, Between 1948 - 1954. Stay tuned for more Anecdotes of Life at Nyakasura!!

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